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What is a Spectrum and Why is Gender one?

The Gender Spectrum  A Spectrum (Spek-trǝm) can be described as a continuous range of colours that materialises when a white light beam undergoes dispersion, typically


Everything You Need To Know About GENDER AFFIRMATION

What is Gender Affirmation? Gender affirmation constitutes a comprehensive framework encompassing a diverse spectrum of actions and opportunities necessary for individuals to authentically manifest and


Leveraging AI in research: How to use ChatGPT

Introduction- Artificial Intelligence and Research Artificial intelligence (AI) is a pervasive force that is changing environments, social relationships, and daily routines. Although AI tools have

Politics and policy

Gender Urbanism & Feminist Town Planning

In 2021, 428,278 of the six million crimes recorded in India involved crimes against women. Noticing an increase in gendered crimes, the Indian government sanctioned

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